🌷Inner Healing Modalities🌷

At Phoenix Blu, we're driven by a genuine curiosity about the intricacies of emotional well-being and self-awareness. Over time, we've sifted through various theories and practices, refining our approach and perspective. These explorations have been pivotal in shaping our work, grounding it in both science and empathy. As we delve deeper, we're keen to spotlight a few key methodologies that stand out in their depth and relevance.

Dr. Gabor MatΓ©'s "Compassionate Inquiry"

Dr. Gabor MatΓ©'s "Compassionate Inquiry" is a therapeutic approach that delves deeply, yet gently, into the experiences that shape our emotional landscape. It's rooted in the belief that true healing and transformation occur when we approach our traumas, pains, and emotional patterns with genuine compassion. By asking careful and empathetic questions, this method encourages individuals to become aware of their unconscious beliefs, emotional patterns, and coping mechanisms. The ultimate goal is to understand and reconnect with our true selves, fostering healing from past wounds and promoting genuine self-compassion.

Dr. Gabor MatΓ© Further Learning

Richard Schwartz "Internal Family Systems"

Richard Schwartz's "Internal Family Systems" (IFS) is a therapeutic approach that views the mind as a collection of distinct, interacting parts or subpersonalities. Each of these parts has its own perspective, feelings, memories, and goals. IFS posits that healing occurs when we understand and accept these parts, allowing them to express themselves and be acknowledged. Central to IFS is the concept of the "Self," an undamaged, core essence of an individual. The Self is characterized by qualities like compassion, clarity, and calmness. Through IFS, individuals are guided to let their Self lead and heal their internal parts, resulting in harmony and emotional well-being.

Richard Schwartz Further Learning

Peter Levine's "Somatic Experiencing"

Dr. Peter Levine is a pioneering psychologist and biologist who has dedicated his career to understanding and treating trauma.  He is the founder of "Somatic Experiencing" (SE), a groundbreaking therapeutic approach that addresses trauma and its manifestations in the body. Levine's work is rooted in the belief that trauma symptoms stem from the body's natural response to threat being interrupted. Through SE, he guides individuals in accessing and releasing this trapped survival energy. By tapping into the body's inherent ability to heal, Levine's approach offers a holistic pathway to recovery from trauma and chronic stress, emphasizing the body's central role in the healing process.

Peter Levine Further Learning
